Orange-Ginger Baked Beet Chips

11:45 AM

Okay, is it just me or are chips probably the best snack in the world...? You can dip them... you can make nachos... I even put chips on my sandwiches sometimes when I'm looking for some extra crunch. Unfortunately, chips aren't exactly 'good for you.'

Luckily, there are so many alternatives to making chips healthier, and even better for you! For one thing, baking potato chips is already much better than frying! But using a root vegetable... that's actually good for you! So here's our version of beet chips! We soaked the sliced beets in orange juice, and ginger to really infuse the flavor before baking. The result was a chip that was just as addicting as a regular potato chip!

These beet chips make a great side to a sandwich, or even a random snack. I'd bet they're also great for dipping. 

What You'll Need:
-2 Large Beets, peeled 
-1/2 tsp Orange Zest
-Half Orange, juiced
-1/2 tsp Fresh Grated Ginger
-1/2 tsp Olive Oil
-Salt and Pepper, to taste

1. Peel and slice the beets using a mandolin slicer to ensure thin even slices. Make sure the beets are sliced very thinly so that they get nice and crispy in the oven.
2. Place the sliced beets in a bowl with orange juice, orange zest, grated ginger, and olive oil. Mix with your hands ensuring that each beet is totally coated. Cover the bowl with saran wrap and let sit in the fridge for at least 30 minutes. In the meantime, pre-heat the oven to 350º F.
3. Bake the beets in the oven for about 15 minutes, flipping once half way through. Check to see that the beets take on a slight color change, and crinkle. Let sit out on a drying rack for a few minutes, season with salt, and pepper,  and enjoy. 

Be very careful when using the mandolin slicer! I've heard so many horror stories of people slicing off their finger tips! Lucky for me, even with my bad track record with knives, I have never experienced a mandolin incident! :) 

After allowing the beets to soak for a bit, arrange them on a baking sheet and bake at 350º F for about 15 minutes.

Pair the beet chips with your favorite sandwich, and enjoy a tasty meal, or eat them by themselves as a snack or appetizer! 

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