Christmas "Confetti" Shortbread Cookies

5:38 PM

I love Christmas, it's an excuse to bake cookies all day while listening to the classic crooners - I really  love the old Christmas songs... there's nothing like Nat King Cole or Dean Martin and the smell of shortbread cookies in the oven.
Today, Josh and I put up my Christmas tree. It's kind of a ritual for me to play Christmas music, admire all my ornaments, and bake cookies on a day as festive as this!
These shortbread cookies are so easy, and using some sprinkles in the dough really adds to the holiday appeal of the cookie.

What You'll Need:
-1 Cup (2 sticks) Unsalted Butter, softened
-2 Cups All Purpose Flour
-1/2 Cup Powdered Sugar
-1 tsp Vanilla Extract
- 1/4 Cup Sprinkles

1. Whisk together flour and salt in a small bowl. 
2. In a separate large bowl, add in the butter, cut into Tbsp cubes. Use a hand mixer to beat the butter until it's smooth. Slowly add in the powdered sugar, and beat this together until it is smooth and kind of white. Add the vanilla and beat until everything is mixed together. 
3. Add the flour mixture to the bowl and beat it on low speed. The mixture will look kind of crumbly, but the dough should come together when you squeeze it between your fingers. Add the sprinkles, and just mix them in with a wooden spoon until everything is incorporated. 
4. Split the dough into two, and form two disks. Cut two sheets of plastic wrap, and cover them with flour. Wrap the dough in the plastic wrap, and refrigerate for at least an hour.
5. Once the dough is ready to be handled, pre-heat the oven to 325º F. Roll out the dough to be about a 1/4 inch thick. I left the dough in the plastic wrap by leaving some loose edges for the dough to expand into. If you remove it from the plastic wrap, make sure you lightly flour your rolling pin. Cut out the cookies, I used a shot glass because it was the perfect little round size. 
6. Bake the cookies at 325º F for about 15 minutes, or until the bottoms and edges of the cookies are golden. Let them cool before enjoying. 

Cut  in the butter and whip it to a creamy texture 

along with the powdered sugar and vanilla extract

Beat in all of the ingredients and mix in the sprinkles.

Separate the dough into two separate disks, and refrigerate for at least an hour!

Bake, cool, enjoy. :)

Happy Holidays :)

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  1. They look delicious. Now you just need a cup of that spiked hot chocolate to dip them in!
